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Frequently Asked Questions

Sign-up and System Requirements FAQs

What does Budgetpulse cost?
What are the system requirements?
How long does it take to activate an account?
I love Budgetpulse! How can I tell others?

Security FAQs

If my data is online, is it safe?
Does Budgetpulse require my bank account information?
Does Budgetpulse ever share my information?

My Account FAQS

How do I change my profile settings?
Does Budgetpulse support all currencies?
What is the Net Worth?
How can I delete my account?

Accounts Page FAQs

I want to see the specifics about an account, how do I do that?
I see the Assets and Liabilities lists, but there's nothing in there. What do I do?

Transactions FAQs

I just added a transaction, but I need to change it, can I fix it?
What is a "recurring" transaction?
What is a split transaction?

Budget FAQs

How do I adjust my monthly budget items?
How do I adjust my monthly budget to include or remove items?

Charts FAQs

How do I filter the chart to see only a portion of my data?
Wait, this chart isn't working for me, are there other options?

Terminology FAQs

What does Net Worth mean?
What are categories and tags?

Budgetpulse Usage FAQs

Do I have to create tags for every transaction?
What kinds of data can I import into Budgetpulse?
What if I have other questions?
What if I have suggestions for improvements to Budgetpulse?

Savings Goals FAQs


How can my friends and family contribute to my savings goals?
Does it cost money to create or manage savings goals?
What is PayPal or Amazon and how do they work with BudgetPulse?
What is the difference between PayPal business account and personal account?
What is the difference between Amazon business account and personal account?
What is the difference between Pledge and Paid status?
How Pledge now and Pay later works?


Are there any restrictions on the amount I can contribute to a savings goal?
How do I contribute money to my friend’s savings goal?
I would like to contribute my friends goal, but don’t want to use PayPal or Amazon? Is there any other way?
I have contributed some money to my friend’s goal. I can’t see that transaction on BudgetPulse summary view. What to do?
Why do I need a transaction key when I try to pledge contribution to my friend’s goal?
How to generate a transaction key for my pledge?
I have accidently deleted the mail which contains the transaction key. How can I regenerate one?
What if I want my donation returned?

Goal Owners

Do I have to be a PayPal or Amazon customer to use BudgetPulse?
Does it cost money to create or manage savings goals?
How do I receive or withdraw money contributed to my savings goal?
What happens if I don’t collect my target amount of money?
Can I use both pay pal and Amazon to collect funds?
Some of my contributors want to send the payment thro checks and wire transfers. How to record those contributions?
My friend pledged some amount, but sent a check of different amount? How to edit his contribution amount in my contribution summary view?
Can I change the e-mail address (es) associated with my Savings goal?
I can’t see a contribution made by my friend using PayPal or Amazon in contribution summary or any other area of BudgetPulse. Why?
Accidently I have used wrong PayPal email address to collect the contribution. What will happen to my contributions?
Accidently I have used wrong Amazon email address to collect the contribution. What will happen to my contributions?
How can my guests (friends and family) contribute towards a big item on my savings goals?
How do I monitor the progress of my savings goal?
How do I know when a guest has contributed money to my savings goal?
Can I delete my Savings goal?
How to change the status of the fund from Pledge to Paid?
What is pending contribution?

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