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Making the decision to sell your current house and invest in and move into a new property is a big one for a number of reasons. Not only are you saying goodbye to a chapter of your life, but you are taking on an entirely new financial responsibility in the form of a new mortgage. […]


If you’ve recently purchased a home, your next step is to put coverage on it. Home insurance is specific to property-related problems, like fire, theft, natural disasters and necessary repairs. While it’s a good idea to obtain free quotes for House insurance policies yourself, it’s also important to know what these companies are looking for […]


Image by Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay According to the Federal Reserve, the outstanding mortgage debt in the United States rose to $15.8 trillion in 2019. This makes mortgage one of the most popular loans in America. If you want to own a home and plan to take a mortgage loan, you need to find out the best […]


When you want to purchase a home, the first thing you do is get prequalified for a mortgage. Prequalification tells you how much home you can afford and gives you a starting point for looking for your dream home. But before you run out and start looking at home near the top of your budget, […]


Beyond the process of saving and then purchasing a property, many people do not consider the financial impact of their house. Take interest rates, for instance – according to the Fed, they will now stay at 2.5% for the foreseeable future. How many home owners have used this 12 year period of low rates to […]


Buying a house is a big step in life. Handling this process wrongly can lead you into debt and financial doom. You should set a budget to determine the type of house you can buy at your current financial state. This guide will help you set a budget for buying a house. Calculate Your Take-Home […]


Bad credit may seem like it spells the end of your dream to own your own home. But it doesn’t. The guys over at Associates Home Loan says that the demand for mortgages for those with bad credit has risen, and lenders have responded. There’s no denying that it’s harder for you to get a […]


You may be a new couple looking to find a new house to start a family, a student looking for an apartment if you are not comfortable with the campus hostels or anyone moving out of your parents’ house looking for an affordable place to live. Here are a few steps you can use to […]


Many people move into the country to escape the hustle and bustle of towns and cities. Others do so simply because it’s more affordable in the face of housing market changes. Across the South–and especially in Kentucky–there are swaths of land and boundless greenery to settle a new home. In some situations, it may be […]


Buying a house is a big step. It has even been said that buying a house is the most important financial decision a person will ever make. Whether or not this statement is true, home buying almost always means getting a mortgage. And where there are mortgages, there are mortgage brokers. A mortgage broker’s primary […]


There is often the misconception that home remodels and renovations are expensive, and many never start a remodel due to the fear that they simply cannot afford to do so. However, with the right strategy going in, you can conduct your home remodel and stay within your set budget. By implementing these seven ways to […]


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