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For new lawyers, the idea of ​​simply declaring oneself open to business and going out to look for individual clients can be intimidating. Fortunately, there is another way to start: you can practice as a freelance lawyer, where instead of working directly for the clients that hire you, you will work for other lawyers, doing […]


Though less likely today than at any time since 1967, the average American worker should still be prepared to deal a stint of unemployment at some point in their career. Finding yourself jobless with no savings can be a very trying experience. Long story short, it’s always a good idea to make hay while the […]


Title vs Personal Loan

If you’re seriously considering filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy, then one of the issues that might be keeping you awake at night is how this major financial decision will impact your career prospects. What’s more, if you’re ventured into some corners of the web where (usually) well-meaning but categorically uninformed people discuss this issue, you […]



  Managing your money in the current economic climate can prove to be a bit tricky for many individuals.  Add to this the soaring unemployment rate which makes it likely you or someone you know may be dealing with the loss of their primary income.  What can you do if you find yourself facing unemployment, […]


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