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Digital Influence in Debt Management

Paying off debt is a huge fiscal responsibility and studies have shown that psychological conditions like depression and neurosis are more common in people who have debt. The average U.S. household credit card debt last year was $15,279. In 2008, it was $8,329. Most of the debt comprises of mortgage payments, which stands at $149,456. This […]



It appears that binary options are the new craze on the Internet when it comes to personal finance and saving. This type of investing attracts more and more people. However the question is if this type of investment is appropriate or not for these purposes. More so, are binary options actually a real form of […]



On its passage in 2010, the Affordable Care Act made it mandatory for all US citizens to have some form of medical insurance. For able-bodied individuals under age 65, it meant that they would need to have coverage through an insurance company January 1, 2014. For people over 65, younger people with disabilities, or people […]


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