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Before you start trading in the Forex market make sure you focus on the market’s condition. The market’s condition plays a crucial role as it can either help you to make profits or can lead you to lose. Losing will only arise if you don’t understand the market properly, so if you don’t want to […]


A recession is bad for lots of people and can be a challenge to survive financially. Even the best made plans can be ruined because of a recession. That’s why it makes sense to prepare for a recession even when there isn’t one on the horizon. Unfortunately, there is quite a big one on our […]


Single mom working - Stressed businesswoman working at the kitchen table with laptop and calculator

Get a snapshot of your finances right now. Before we talk budgets, take an hour out of your day today if possible and do an inventory. Add up all your income. Find all your bills, automated online payments, grocery receipts—whatever you’re spending money on right now—and add it up. Use a budget calculator to make […]


In a world where many of us face economic uncertainty, it’s not surprising that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people growing their own vegetables and becoming more self-sufficient. But, it doesn’t have to stop there. If you have a passion for growing crops and looking after animals you can actually […]


  Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels The coronavirus has had a huge impact on the world as we know it. Businesses are struggling and you will also see that companies are having to change the way that they operate so that they can meet the new government guidelines. If you want to find out more then take […]


What would you do with profit from your real estate sale? Well, for starters, you’d have to pay tax and then decide what to do with the rest of the money. What if we told you there’s a way to defer paying capital gains tax while increasing your real estate portfolio? That’s what Delaware Statutory […]


You’ve probably thought about retiring. Who hasn’t? The sad truth is that while most people are told to start young, circumstances generally prevent this from happening. Of course, when you do start to think about retirement and the possibility of retiring early you’ll have a lot of ground to make up. The good news is […]


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