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Planning and preparing your finances, gives you the best chance of achieving the financial security and lifestyle you would like to enjoy throughout your retirement years. If you’re unable to work due to illness or disability, and therefore have retired earlier than anticipated, you may be entitled to benefits through superannuation claims, life insurance, or […]



An age-old piece of popular wisdom concerning smoking in the UK goes something like this: the Government is against people giving up smoking completely, because the income from taxation is such a huge value. That might hold water were it not for the fact that treating those with lung cancer, heart problems and other diseases […]



Divorce is not something that any couple wants to do. It’s typically a decision that’s been reached after months or years of struggling to make the relationship work. However, when the choice has been made and the plans have been set in motion, the real struggle is just beginning. Aside from the emotional trauma that […]


Car Loan

A poor credit history can have a variety of causes – County Court Judgements against you; personal bankruptcy; falling behind with your mortgage or credit card payments, identity theft – even being self-employed. In many cases it may not even be your fault, or your problems are in the past, but it can still be […]



For years many ‘new’ investors were trading in Forex because of the ease at which it is possible to break into the market. Nothing could be easier (could it?) than trading currency pairs based on the relative value of one currency against another and it wasn’t like actually buying any underlying commodity. Traders were simply, […]



Ok, we may be coming up to the last few remaining weeks of summer before the air begins to cool and the days begin to grow shorter, but even so, we’re still in the midst of the summer school holidays and there are still a few months left before we need to think about wrapping […]



With the economy still far from stable since the global financial crisis less than a decade ago, it’s pretty safe to say that more and more of us are far more careful with our money and are doing all that we can to save as much as we can, not just to live, but also […]



Are you someone who is not so eager to follow a budget in order to set things right financially? If answered yes, you have to look for other ways through which you can raise your income and have enough money to let go of your debts. Debt is perhaps the most disturbing thing in our […]



With so many daily living expenses to contend with, the idea of taking a well-earned vacation might seem like just a dream. If you discover some smart ways to put money aside and practice some frugal financing, there is every chance that you could turn your vacation dreams into a reality. Here is a look […]



Amazing as it might look, most companies spend more cash paying to have their trash collected than it would cost them transport their deposits to the bank. Have you ever began a day worrying that you might run out of quarters? As part of cash delivery services, such firms allow you to place your change […]


Car Loan

With the average price of a new car in the UK upwards of £25,000, you need to raise quite a bit of cash before even thinking about driving off the forecourt. Happily there are some steps you can take to reduce the cost of what is likely to be the most expensive item you’ll buy […]


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