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Simple Day to Day Routines that Will Save You money on Home Insurance

Posted by : Premraj | Posted on : Thursday, January 15, 2015

How to save money on insurance of your new car

Keeping yourself, your home and your property safe is highly influenced by your day to day routine. The most likely dangers that will have an impact on your insurance costs are burglaries, fire, water damage and car-theft.

You can save on the cost you incur on home insurance by abiding to simple changes in your daily life.

1. Protect your Home against burglaries

Reinforce locks and frames on your windows and locks

Doors and windows provide entry into your home. If the insurance agent determines that the locks and frames of your windows and doors are strong, you will save on insurance payments.

Always appear to be home

If you have daily or weekly subscriptions to a newsletter, pick them up on their delivery. Leaving a heap of newsletters on your doorstep or in your mailbox makes you appear to be away.

If you are away, arrange with your neighbor to pick them up for you. This will throw off any potential burglars.

It might be safer to cancel all your subscriptions and ask the post office to hold your mail while you are on travel.

Be discreet when travelling

Don’t make a show of it when travelling. For instance, load your luggage into your car while it is in the garage and only inform one or 2 neighbors that you will be away.

Use motion detectors

Install motion detectors in areas that have an obstructed view from the house.

Install real surveillance systems

If your surveillance is not good, the insurance companies will charge you a high premium.

Inform your surveillance system provider when you’re away so that it monitors should the alarm trip.

Eliminate anything that obstructs your view of the outside

You should get rid of Potential places for burglars to hide such as bushes and shrubs.

Don’t leave tools lying around the compound

Lock up any tools burglars can use to enter your house such as ladders or crowbars. If it comes out during insurance investigations that the burglar/s used tools left lying around the compound to get into the house, you might not get compensation.

Use blinding material or curtains on your windows

Make it hard for anyone to view what is going on in the house.

2. Routine habits to protect against fire

– Install smoke detectors, a fire alarm and fire extinguishers in your home.

– Ensure your children do not have access to matches.

– Keep gasoline and combustible fluids away from your kitchen.

– Never smoke in bed or on your couch. Put out burning cigarettes in an ashtray.

3. Routines to protect against car theft

Always lock your car

Never leave your car door unlocked even if you are stepping away for a short moment.

Install a car tracking system.

Nowadays, you can track the movements of your car from your laptop or smartphone.

4. Protect your home against water damage

– Clean out the gutters of your house and carefully.

– Carry out roof Inspections to plug any leakage.

– Fill in areas around the home that can pool water or cause seepage into the house.

About FerdiNaeeni

FerdieNaeeni has been working in the insurance industry for over 10 years. During this time, he has gained deep understanding of the home insurance industry. Visit his website to read his insightful post onhow your day to day routine can save you money spent on insurance companies.


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