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How to Estimate Funeral Cost

Posted by : Premraj | Posted on : Thursday, January 28, 2016


The costs of dying can reach five figures these days. You naturally want to cut down on costs as much as you can. The key to doing this is to do it early. Prepare in advance, so you know exactly what you are paying for and you won’t run into any unexpected bills. In this guide, we are going to show you how you can go about estimating funeral costs.

Cremation or Burial?

This is the first step and cremation is always cheaper. Real estate is expensive and you have to pay for the plot as well as everything to do with the funeral. The vast majority of funerals are chosen with cremation. This can reduce your costs by thousands.

The Funeral Home

The funeral home is generally, where people go to in order to purchase a range of services. You can easily estimate funeral cost by getting quotes from the various directors. Figure out what you want at the funeral long before the relative in question dies and ask for an estimate from each local funeral home. Their prices won’t change that much before the funeral comes around. Write down these estimates for a basic idea of how much you will have to pay.

Added Extras

It’s important to find out what the relative in question wants at their funeral. It may be a difficult subject to broach, but by getting, an idea of what they want when the day comes around you can make the arrangements. Most funeral homes have a range of extra services they can take care of, such as mentioning the funeral in the newspaper, or the publishing of an obituary. Naturally, some funeral homes have a far greater range of services than others do, so it’s important to get all this checked out.

Going at it Alone

Of course, you can go at it alone. There’s no law that says the funeral home has to solve everything. You may simply ask for a basic service with a cremation, while going to various providers of other services individually. This can give you a better deal, but it’s considerably more hassle. Do you want to handle all this when you are attempting to deal with your grief?


It’s relatively simple to estimate the cost of a funeral. Make sure your estimates are no more than two to three years old. The price doesn’t rise considerably in this period of time. Consider the relative’s wishes and ensure they get a dignified send off.

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