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3 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Personal Finance Blog

Posted by : Premraj | Posted on : Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Despite the vast number of personal finance blogs on the internet, there will almost always be room for more.

There are so many different aspects to saving and earning more money, and there is an unlimited number of different perspectives to approach them from.

One thing remains the same amongst all personal finance blogs, however, and that’s the fact that they’re worthless without traffic.

Traffic should be any personal finance blogger’s number one priority (and really any blogger) when trying to become successful.

If you have enough steady traffic to your site, almost anything is possible.

Below are 3 ways for you to increase traffic to your personal finance blog.

Fix Your SEO Strategy

Most bloggers are familiar with the term search engine optimization (SEO), but they also get it completely wrong.

The science behind SEO is always changing, and it’s important for you to stay on top of things.

An on page SEO checker will help you analyze your own site for issues to fix. It also lets you spy on your competition and find out what they’re doing that’s working.

The best things you can do to improve your SEO rankings are to write really remarkable content and to properly utilize your keywords throughout those posts.


Also, there is nothing anyone can do to fix your personal finance blog if your content is lackluster, so spend some time on it and make it great.

Improve Your Social Media Presence

Check almost anyone’s internet history and you’re almost certain to find some sort of social media site in the last couple of hours. People are addicted to it, and that can be very advantageous for you.

After making sure your SEO and content is in check, you’ll want to leverage social media as much as possible.

Share your content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and whatever other places seem like a good fit. Never spam and always be polite.

Reddit is another awesome site with a very engaged community. One post on Reddit has the chance to go viral and provide massive amounts of traffic to your website.

Always make any content you create for your site easily sharable on social media, and then be certain to reach out to as many channels as possible.

Guest Blog Like Crazy 

This last way is one that is especially important for newer bloggers.

Guest blogging has the potential to provide lots of targeted traffic to your website, and in fact, many personal finance bloggers only guest post when starting out.

By creating content for a blog with a much bigger audience than yours, you’re able to send some of that traffic your way. Plus, you gain invaluable exposure as another expert in your field, not to mention the extra backlinks to further cement your SEO strategy.

The key to successful guest blogging is building relationships with your competitors. This might seem counterintuitive, but the best bloggers know that they can’t do it alone. 


Traffic has the ability to fix almost any problems a personal finance blogger will come across. Not only will it help you build your brand, but it will help you earn more money and live a successful, fulfilling life.

Follow the tips provided above and you’ll be well on your way to more traffic this year.

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