Are you looking for some new ways to save money? Of course you are! If you are tired of simply clipping coupons and turning the heat down in your home, there are some other things that you could be doing that would help you to save money each month. Here are just 4 suggestions that you can use that you may not have heard of before.
Learn To Cut Hair
Most people need to get their hair cut every one to two months. Hair cuts are not cheap, and you are going to need them for the rest of your life. If you want to cut out this expense, you can try to learn how to cut hair. Then, not only will you be able to cut your own, but you will be able to cut your family member’s as well. So if you have children, this method will save you even more money each month by allowing you to skip a trip to the barber.
Here is a quick guide about cutting your own hair, and here is another about cutting your child’s hair.
Examine Car Insurance Costs
For many of us, we just see auto insurance costs as just another part of life. It is unavoidable, and so we just pay whatever the insurance company tells us it costs. However, there are actually ways that you can reduce the amount of money you are spending on car insurance, and save yourself some money each month. For starters, you should talk to your current insurance company and see what kind of discounts and programs they offer. Nowadays many companies offer things like safe-driver discounts, low-mileage discounts, and more. See what is available, and take advantage of any that apply.
It’s also a good idea to periodically shop with other companies to make sure you are getting the best rate. There are many auto insurance companies, but one of my favorites is Mercury Insurance. They offer programs that are more suited to individuals, rather than a one-size-fits-all model. So, take some time to research your options, and then go with the auto insurance company that will save you the most money, while still giving you the protection you need.
Paint Your Roof White
Want a truly unique way to save yourself some money? Consider painting the roof of your house white. Studies have shown that by painting your roof white, more of the sunlight will be reflected back, rather than absorbed. This means less heat will enter into your home, and you will need less energy to cool down your home in the warm summer months. It is going to cost you some money upfront, but it could end up saving you money in the long run, depending on the typical weather in your area, and how much you typically spend on cooling costs.
Exercise At Home
Get rid of that costly gym membership and start getting your workout in at home. While you may not have any fancy equipment where you live, that doesn’t mean you can’t get a good workout. Want to work on your cardio? Go for a run or do an exercise DVD. Do you want to work on your arms? Do some arm curls, or some pushups. You can get a great workout at home with some very basic equipment, or just using your own body weight. Here is a list of some excellent and easy workouts you can do from home.
Explore Your Options
Saving money is all about knowing what your options are, and taking them. There are plenty of ways that you can go about saving money if you are willing to think outside the box, and stick to your new habits. Hopefully this list was able to spark some ideas in your head, and you’ll be able to save some money going forward.