A Few Useful Tips To Ensure Better Results For Your Business With Limited Marketing or Advertising Budget
Posted by : Premraj | Posted on : Tuesday, June 17, 2014
![Money tips for the Small Business](http://blog.budgetpulse.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Money-tips-for-the-Small-Business-500x296.jpg)
The difficult economic scenario has led marketers of several business organizations to come up with strategies, which blend the best values of costs and results. The mantra is to make each dollar, thus eked out, count. Today even the biggest names in the industry (besides those having modest backgrounds) have joined the “marketing budget” bandwagon. As much as we all know that economic fluctuations are an inherent part of the commercial landscape, achieving the best results with a plummeting marketing budget can is no mean feat. However, it’s not impossible either. Make sure you’re stretching your funds further and working harder to get there.
Given below are a few tips by which you can brand yourself in a smarter way on a thrifty marketing budget.
Tips to Advertise or Market your products on a budget more skillfully
There are reasons enough to believe that your in-house marketing team is efficient enough to help you reach out to a greater number of people out there. Not every firm is big enough to invest in a costly advertising agency in denmark to brand their products efficiently. Here are ways in which you can still achieve desired results for your company without spending huge.
Go the Conventional Route
Free publicity via press releases and word of mouth are regarded as age old methods of bolstering brand visibility. Though paid advertising can give you instant recognition, if you’re willing to wait a bit, you might stand to secure long term gains by means of word of mouth publicity. In fact, both a press release and word of mouth publicity yield a better impact on consumers rather than paid adverts. Press releases hold an obvious edge as the more prudent consumers are more interested in keeping themselves “informed” with the help of “news” rather than being thrust by big claims made by print or television advertisements. Press releases can be issued when:
– You’re celebrating a remarkable milestone (celebrating an anniversary, or a acquisition or merger etc)
– You’re launching a new product in the market
– You’re renovating or redecorating the building
– Your business receives a VIP visitor, with national or international acclaim
– Your business is sponsoring or co-sponsoring some community event
– You have been able to pull off a major sale
Word of mouth publicity, on the other hand, is a long drawn process whereby you get your customers talking about your brand simply by the virtue of the quality of products or services you have been able to deliver.
Aim for increased productivity and reduced costs of production
As already mentioned above, it is possible to gain an impactful momentum by cutting costs and increasing productivity. Your prime responsibility in this regard would be identify wastage and eliminate chances of the same. There are many ways in which production costs are drained thereby yielding an adverse impact on the overall business budget. Outsourcing asset management, reworking on the same project again and again and employment of inefficient process can eat on your budget big time. So make sure that you’re saving up substantially on the production costs so that you can channelize these funds for backing your marketing strategies. It is very important to ensure a streamlined workflow and approval process within the organization. Implement stricter rules with regard to client agreements specifying clearly that there is a maximum of 3 reworks allowed on a particular piece. Opt for in-house digital asset management methods as automation of businesses is crucial to streamlining workflow by eliminating confusions, duplications and providing faster access to information.
Focus on Online Reputation
Gone are the days when your advertising techniques had to focus heavily on “television” and “newspaper” to secure clients. As per the United Nations’ telecommunications agency, the number of internet users in the world continues to rise and it will touch around three billion users by the end of 2014. So make sure you’re utilizing the potential of the cost effective advertising tool by focusing more on Social Media Marketing, Website optimization, search engine optimization etc. Some of the agencies offering these services include mediagroupnordic.com and www.lowcostseo.co offer SEO services in Denmark.