By Virginia O’Connor
A consumer group released a recent analysis of Federal Reserve date in February, 2009, indicating that among Americans, the typical household has net financial assets – including retirement savings – of less than $10,000. Financial assets included savings and investments but excluded equity in primary home and vehicles. Among low- and moderate-income households, the typical net financial assets were less than $1,000.
That’s not a lot of cushion folks and just surviving day to day is no way to live.
The America Saves campaign is a nationwide campaign comprised of a coalition of non profit, corporate, and government groups to help individuals and families begin to save their money and start building wealth.
It provides information, advice, and encourage for those who wish to:
-pay down debt
-save for a home
-save for education
-save for retirement
… all of these are primary concerns for people, but many are concerned about how to get started.
Take a look at their website and take advantage of the many free services which include:
-brochures explaining ways to save and savings plan enrollment
-access to coaches who can assist you with setting goals and following a plan
-access to financial planners who can provide more detailed planning advice when you are ready
-no- to low-balance savings accounts and even CDs at local banks and credit unions
-information about buying U.S. Savings bonds and saving in money markets
-subscription to a quarterly newsletter
Strategic information provided at the America Saves site works hand-in-hand with budgeting. Finding money to save seems difficult until you set up your budget and start looking at your finances strategically.
Disclaimer: Overall management for the campaign is provided by the non profit Consumer Federation of America (CFA). CFA is a federation of some 300 consumer education, advocacy, and cooperative organizations dedicated to advancing the consumer interest.