New Year’s Financial Resolutions How to Stay Out of Debt
Posted by : Premraj | Posted on : Friday, January 27, 2012

New Year is usually the best time to make financial resolutions. That is because during this time of the year, everyone seems to be in a fresh start. If there were many disappointments and resentments in the past year, now is the time to make amends and try to make changes for the better. It is just right that this year, we should all aim to eliminate debt and stay out of it.
It may be a real challenge to keep away from debt. In reality, debt is not bad. We sometimes get to a point when our financial resources dwindle and our need to spend increases. Getting a loan or borrowing cash from different sources could definitely save us.
However, it often becomes difficult to repay the borrowed amount especially because interest charges and other fees are imposed. In many cases, repaying the amount may be difficult because the regular income of the borrower may not be enough to cover it along with basic and necessary expenses. Thus, here are several recommended resolutions that would help us effectively stay out of debt this year.
Live within your means. Re-assess your financial condition. How much do you earn in a month? How much of your money goes to all your basic and necessary expenses? There is a need to determine just how much we should spend for discretionary purposes. It is not wise to spend beyond our means. This way, you should resist the temptation to use the credit card when purchasing expensive items.
Use your personal savings for buying significantly priced items. It is often difficult to stick to a disciplined way of spending. It is more ideal not to incur a debt just to buy something. It is always better to make purchases using cash. Just make sure you are not spending everything you have in just a single, unnecessary, and discretionary purchase. If you want to buy a costly item, it would be better to save for it.
Refrain from using your credit cards as much as possible. Credit card spending is a logical avenue for overspending and incurring debt. Avoid shopping online as it may only push you to spending using your plastic cards. There may be so many likeable and irresistible items and markdowns available across the Internet that you may have a hard time resisting the urge to spend online.
Be frugal. Try to save anything you could save. If you could lower your expenses, why not do it and add the saved amount, no matter how small, to your regular savings? You could be more conscious of how much you use electricity and water at home, how much you spend on gasoline, or how much you spend buying unnecessary grocery or retail items. Do not indulge in material things that you actually do not need. Thus, you have to learn how to discern your needs from just your wants.
This guest post is contributed by Andrew. Andrew has been helping people with bad credit loans and refinancesolutions