Have you ever considered starting a business in Spain? The country has been through some rough times due to the crisis but has recently shown signs of growth potential. One could say this is the perfect time to set up a business in the country. Below we share with you some top tips about starting up in Spain.
Spain is not just a country you go to when you retire. In the course of the last few years the country has become a center and favorable destination for all people of working age. There’re not only a lot of opportunities but also a great environment for raising a family.
It is a very appealing option to say the least. The climate is perfect and the quality of life is very good. It’s considered one of the best in Europe. But how are businesses in Spain and how would you set it up?
Thanks to the economic crisis in Spain, the property sector as well as sectors related to it are suffering and starting a business based on that industry doesn’t seem like a viable option right now. However, other sectors are fine.
First and wisest thing to do is to be willing to invest in your business and in all asset that will prove invaluable. One of them that will help you greatly if you’re not familiar with the country’s bureaucracy or language is the gestor. Their job is to help with bureaucratic activities and with setting up your company. They will do most of your paperwork and will make managing your business much easier. Hiring one is a solid investment.
One simple thing you need to have and is often forgotten is punctuality. Punctuality when it comes to everything, from arriving on time to work or your meetings, to finishing your duties and tasks way ahead of the deadline. This will not only speed up setting up your business but it’s also a key to success.
Dress Code
Another part of setting up a solid business that is often overlooked is keeping up with the dress code. This does not only show discipline and good organization but it also promotes a positive working environment and unity among workers when everyone follows it. You’ll be surprised how much work wear and uniforms can boost efficiency at work.
Legal Requirements
As you might have guessed, Spain is different from other countries when it comes to legislation and the fundamentals required for starting a business. This is where the gestor we mentioned earlier comes in. What is even better is a lawyer who can do the same thing but also help with other legal issues. A lawyer will help properly registering your business as well as help you with tax returns and other important bureaucratic matters.
Setting up a business in Spain is not difficult. With the correct skillset, a clear vision and the above tips it is guaranteed that your business will start on the right foot.