Weekly Personal Finance Twitter Chat: Unemployment
Posted by : Premraj | Posted on : Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It’s that time of the week again to unite the personal finance community with our ongoing Twitter chat sessions. This week I have @frugalnyc from Frugal NYC co-hosting with me for this fun and fast paced chat.
Tonight’s Topic: Unemployment
I hope everyone had a great new years and finished off their holiday weekend with a bang. Well it’s officially 2010, where did time fly? So many new years resolutions made and so many bright things to look forward to in the upcoming year. Unfortunately the recession is still hurting many and unemployment is a very timely subject. Tonight will be a nice way to talk about how to handle unemployment and ways to network and get back in the game so you can land your next job.
The chat will start at 7 PM EST and you can join in or listen in on using the hashtag #bp.
I know this week will be a fun and informative chat and a great way to kick off the new year in the personal finance community. There has been a lot of buzz surrounding the chat and everyone is excited.
Feel free to contact me at [email protected] or on Twitter if you have any questions at all. You can also check out our BudgetPulse Facebook Fan Page for information as well.
I look forward to seeing you all there tonight!