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6 Ways to Pay for College Without Loans

Posted by : Premraj | Posted on : Monday, August 17, 2020


Going to college and getting a higher education is an extremely important part of your life that can set you up for future success. While you certainly don’t need to go to college to be successful, getting a higher education and degree can really help you in your future. Unfortunately for many people, the price of college is rising rapidly and many students are required to take out massive loans in order to pay for their education. Taking out student loans is a major concern for students, as it could put them in debt for decades into the future. Thankfully there are ways that allow you to work towards paying for college without drowning you in debt. So how can you ensure that you get a good education without mortgaging your financial future? Here are six ways to pay for college without loans.

Use Community College

An extremely clever way to save on college and complete school without taking out a student loan is taking advantage of community college. When you attend college during your first two years, you typically only take a few classes related to your major while the rest are general education courses. These general education courses aren’t as relevant to your major, even though you’re spending thousands of dollars to take them. A smart option would be enrolling in a local community college, taking these general education courses, and building up credits. After two years of completing “gen ed” courses, you can then transfer to a bigger college to finish off your major in the last two years. Doing something like this can really save you some money, while only sacrificing some of the quality in your gen ed courses. 

Apply to Affordable Schools

A major mistake that many people make when trying to pay for school is applying to overly expensive schools. On average, tuition for universities is relatively high, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t budget options out there. In addition, there are plenty of really pricey options that you should definitely steer clear of. Picking a school that is too expensive might force you to take out a few student loans in order to cover all the costs. As a result, you should set a budget for how much you want to pay for schooling and ensure that you don’t go outside of it. 

Take Advantage of Scholarships

One of the best ways to pay for college without loans is to take advantage of the numerous scholarships that are available to you. There are a lot of different scholarships that you can receive, many of which might cater to your specific talents. If you’re someone who gets really good grades and has an amazing GPA, then many universities or local clubs might actually give you scholarships to help you pay for college. You may also receive scholarships for involvement in extracurricular activities such as athletics, clubs, and organizations. You should always be on the lookout for scholarships and applying to as many as you can, as they could potentially save you thousands of dollars off of your college bill.

Apply for Financial Aid

Another great way to help pay for college without a student loan is financial aid. Financial aid can come from a variety of sources, including your university and the government. Financial aid is usually assigned based on need, so the less money your household makes the more you’ll receive. Due to this, financial aid is critical in paying off tuition for those that find themselves in financial trouble. Financial aid can save thousands of dollars off your bill every semester, something that can make a big difference when trying to pay for school. As a result, you should definitely ensure that all of your financial aid documents are filled out and filed when you’re looking to pay for college without student loans. 

Save Up

It may seem futile to simply save up for college, but if done correctly it can actually be a huge difference in whether you need to take out loans or not. Although college bills may be tens of thousands of dollars, application of scholarships and financial aid can greatly reduce the cost of attending school. You can then use the money that you have saved up from working throughout high school to cover the difference. Working while in high school may be difficult, and preventing yourself from compulsive spending it could be even harder. However, every little bit you contribute to your college fund helps, and it could be the difference between having to take a loan out for college or not. 

Work Study Programs

If you need to earn some extra money while in college to pay for your schooling, then have no fear as there are options available to you. One of the best ways to earn money while in school is through work study programs, jobs that are done through your school or university. These jobs are great, as they usually pay pretty well and are very flexible with your school schedule. In addition, you can get closer with professors and other university administrators, opening up new potential opportunities for you to enrich your education. If you’re looking for a way to help pay for college without a loan, taking a work study position may be the perfect opportunity for you. 


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