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Keeping Your Medicine Cabinet Full: Money Saving Ways to Buy Prescriptions and Supplements

Posted by : Premraj | Posted on : Friday, June 24, 2016


An array of ailments are treated and symptoms are kept under control by medications.  However, depending on your type of medical insurance (or if you don’t have have insurance at all), medicine can be expensive.  However, cost should not keep people from feeling better and getting healthy.  If you can’t afford prices of prescriptions and supplements, seek other ways to keep your medicine cabinet full.

Go Generic

Similar to foods at the grocery store, a person in the market for medicine can buy name brand drugs or generic ones.  Choosing the latter can save a great deal of money yet such drugs don’t have the level of recognition as popular brands.  A significant percentage of FDA-approved medications have ‘generic’ versions.  Ask your doctor about generic alternatives.  In some cases, due to competition, drug makers won’t make generic options available for a time period.

Get a Higher Dosage

In some cases, you can ask your doctor if they will prescribe a version of medication that has a higher dosage.  In many cases, drug prices are the same regardless of dose; 50 mg pills may cost the same as 25 mg pills.  ‘Splitting’ the dosage or splitting the pill in two can save you money.  However, this is not a possibility with time-release pills or capsules.  Ask a pharmacist about whether it’s safe and effective to split pills or supplements.

Brainstorm with Your Doctor

Don’t assume that your doctor knows how much you’re paying for your medication or think that your doctor is purposely prescribing name brand pills to their own benefit.  If price is an issue, discuss the topic with your doctor so both of you can explore other options.  In many cases, your doctor may prescribe a generic version of the medication or may propose other options like altering your diet to achieve the same wellness effect.

Shop Online

Internet pharmacies and related sites can offer medications at cheaper prices.  Assistance programs can make seemingly unaffordable prescriptions affordable.  Advocates and programs work with drug companies and insurance vendors to help get consumers free or low-cost prescriptions.  No person should be denied better health due to a lack of money.  There are people who can help.  Let assistance programs help you get the medication you need at a price you can afford.  Read more about an assistance program at nationwideprescriptionconnection.com.

Find a Bargain

Like buying a pair of sneakers or a new bicycle, medicine is offered by several vendors and set at various prices.  Find a bargain price and bring it to the attention of your regular pharmacist.  Many times, your normal pharmacy will ‘match’ the lower price offered by other vendors to keep you happy and regularly attending their pharmacy.

In other scenarios, a pharmacist may offer you a discount at their own discretion if they are the owner of the establishment.

Ditch the Name-Brand-Only Philosophy

Big brands do a great job in pouring money into advertising.  Such an investment makes sense because it helps shape the perception of the public.  It’s a no-brainer to go and purchase a name-brand item; you’ve heard about it and you’re likely convinced that it’s of high quality.  However, plenty of alternative and generic (or no-name) medications achieve the same results.  Ditch the name-brand-only philosophy.  If a drug is approved by the FDA, it is just as safe and effective than a medication that may cost four times as much.

Consider Herbal Supplements But Be Wary

In some cases, you may be able to combat an ailment through natural supplements and a change in your diet.  Rather than pay high prices for a ‘quick fix’ medication, consider whether you can make some food and exercise sacrifices and commitments in order to achieve the same results.  However, you should not blindly commit to herbal supplements without talking to your doctor and pharmacist.  In some cases, herbal supplements may have adverse reactions when taken in combination with other medications.

Join a Club

If particular vitamins and supplements are deemed safe by your doctor and pharmacist, you can save money by joining a club and purchasing in bulk.  Vendors who offer vitamins and supplements understand that you can get the same products elsewhere; they value the fact that you’re shopping in their store.  Get on email lists, join rewards clubs, and ask in-store representatives about ways to save on regular and repeat purchases.  Don’t be shy when it comes to shopping at the same store; most times, vendors appreciate your patronage and rely on repeat business.

Yasmin Welch suffers from chronic fatigue and knows firsthand how expensive it can be when it comes to prescription costs. She has mastered a couple of tips and tricks for saving money and doesn’t mind telling the world!

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