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Make Use of the Current Trend of Internet Memes to Further Your Business

Posted by : Premraj | Posted on : Thursday, May 8, 2014

Internet Memes to Further Your Business

Anyone who has a social media presence would be aware that the current trend ruling the social networking sites is that of internet memes. Now, what exactly is a meme? As per Merriam Webster Dictionary, a meme is an idea, usage, style or behavior that disperses from individual to individual within a culture. It is something which is passed around and thus repeated in a culture. Interestingly, though it does not require the online world to spread, fact remains that its present widespread popularity is all thanks to the internet which has made it a rage.

Quite naturally, businesses too are trying to cash in on the current craze for memes and using it to promote their products or services. If you are in the online business, you too should capitalize on this innovative and highly creative marketing tool and make an impression on your target customers. Here’s how to utilize it to further your business:

Understand Popular Culture

If you’ve followed memes closely, you must have understood that they are very topical. In fact, they are a reflection of what modern thinking is or how the modern mind thinks. In such a scenario, you cannot just make a meme, without taking the popular culture into account. You have to understand the psyche of the modern mind and accordingly create a meme that perfectly voices people’s thoughts or makes an instant connection with them.

Work like there’s No Tomorrow

Remember you are not the only one trying to cash in on the current popularity of memes. There are thousands like you. Thus, the moment you find something in pop culture or in the news that is relevant to your business, start working on it pronto and upload it as soon as possible. In the world of memes, timing is everything.

Be Alert and Proactive

You cannot be content with just seeing what is trending at the moment and trying to come up with something around it. You have to be proactive and scout for elements or features of your business or product that can act as fodder for memes. Look for clues constantly. For instance, if you are involved in the manufacturing of all-natural soaps and you suddenly find a YouTube video of a child eating soap going viral, grab that opportunity to make the most of the video’s popularity.

Do Some Research

There is no point in making a meme that is already obsolete the moment you post it. For instance, while LOLCats seems to have survived the test of time and have become somewhat timeless, others such as Tebowing in different locations are no longer in vogue. So, you have to do some research and find out what’s trending and what’s not.

Mass Appeal

Your meme should appeal to a huge group of people, which includes your target customers as well. In fact, they are the ones who will be responsible for sharing it more widely. But, for that, your meme has to have mass appeal.

The Funnier, the Better

Have you ever come across a serious meme? They are meant to be funny and so use humor liberally. However, make sure to use comedy which people can easily and quickly relate to. The funnier it is, the more likely it is to be shared. For inspiration, visit www.memes.com and have a look.

Post It at the Right Time

Select peak viewing times of the day for posting your memes. The more the number of people present online, the greater will be the number of likes and shares.

Choose the Right Platforms

Do not restrict your memes to a single platform. Post them on as many social media sites as possible, from Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to Tumblr and Reddit.

Use the Soft Sell Approach

Subtlety is the key here. Remember it is not a direct advertisement. You have to first attract the attention of people and then add your business as an afterthought right at the end. For instance, if you are into the business of music, you can have an image of a cat feasting on a chicken leg, with the caption, “I just love the drumsticks at Marvel’s Audio”.

The 6 Most Popular Meme Types

These are the most popular ones on the internet. You can play around with these and come up with innovative and funny memes:

  • Bad Luck Brian: It starts on a positive note but always ends satirically worse.
  • Success Kid: It is almost the opposite of the previous one. It starts with a hypothetically bad ending but ends positively.
  • Confession Bear: It has a cynical and narcissistic tone. It is characterized by the longing bear.
  • Scumbag Steve: It spells out selfishness.
  • Thug Life: He is the perfect Mr. Goody Two Shoes. So much so that even when he is bad, he is good!
  • First World Problems: She is the damsel in distress who is too privileged to experience actual problems.

These are the tried and tested ones. But, there are several others which are equally popular. In fact, if you have an imaginative mind, you can come up with a brand new meme. In internet, anything can get viral!

Understanding the Popularity of Memes

  • Easy to Understand: Those with a simple image with a couple of words written on them are the most popular. So, try to keep it simple.
  • Identifiable: The best memes are those which are easy to identify with, even if the reader is not exactly familiar with the particular reference or context.
  • Shareable: Social media buttons ought to be firmly in place. No mistakes there!
  • Funny: Humor is the key to success in this case. It is what drives people to share it with their friends and connections online.

Thus, you can understand that creating an effective meme is not really rocket science. You have to think out of the box, be alert and humorous to make the most of this unique marketing tool. So, what are you waiting for? Put on your thinking caps and get going!

About the Author: Meme member – Memes lets you effortlessly share funny pictures. You can have a good laugh and share them with your friends and communities. There is a wide array of memes to choose from. You are bound to find your favorite from such an extensive range of memes. The author is an expert in meme making process and likes to share his knowledge on web.

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