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Using Data Science in Your Career

Posted by : Premraj | Posted on : Monday, February 8, 2021


In a time of economic downturn, many people look to either change or improve on a current career. There is a need for flexibility, and the ability to adapt will be key going forward as the economy tries to deal with the effects of the pandemic. Using one of the fastest-growing, versatile, and in-demand skills for any company in any industry, data science may allow you to fast track success.

Kickstart Your New Career

Data mining has become a buzzword over the last few years, and more recently, the related notion of data science has become increasingly popular. It is essentially the process where large amounts of structured and unstructured data are used in conjunction with scientific algorithms and computer programs to determine and compute business solutions. To kickstart your career, it may be time to invest in your business future. An online degree in data science could be the first step. This may be the start of a new career in data science as long as you have the determination to protect your business or improve your career.

Go to onlinedsa.merrimack.edu/data-science/ to find out more about taking a degree in data science. In fact, a qualification in data science can lead to 45 different career options and can continue to enhance your career long into the future.

Why Choose Data Science?

The field of data science and business science analytics is now rated one of the fastest-growing fields in America and is spreading like wildfire. The time has arrived to harness all that science has to offer and use big data to analyze and predict more scientifically in all fields. Noted by many as a trend for 2019, not only did data science become a trend, but it surpassed this and has been viewed as a panacea for the plethora of new and increased risks associated with COVID-19 as we moved through 2020 into 2021.

Which Careers Can Benefit?

There are a wide variety of careers that can benefit from the addition of data science, or even data science as a stand-alone career. Businesses have been the popular beneficiaries of data science, especially when used in risk management. With approximately 150 000 related job postings uploaded in the last year alone, data science is indeed the sexiest job of the 21st century, as noted by the Harvard Business Review. Learning on the job has also proved to be the predominant manner of getting this career upgrade.

Add a String to Your Bow

If you are in-between careers or simply feel the need to upgrade your current management capabilities, a career in data science may be the way forward.

As risks change and technology improves, it is pertinent to understand the linkages between science and industry data. Scientific fields have long used theory and cutting-edge technology to provide answers to some pretty difficult questions. By linking industrial or business fields with science through the use of big data over a longitudinal period and then scientifically being able to analyze this, using scenario planning algorithms, provides for a much more scientific means of dealing with risk. Data is indeed the new oil, and it would be good to get in on the bottom floor.

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