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More than half of employed Americans fail to use any of their allotted vacation time, which most health care professionals assert is a dangerous game. Refusing to give the body time to rest and relax allows stress to build up, causing untold damage to vital organs, like the brain and heart. Yet, vacations can cause […]


50th Anniver

The Old Age Security program is a program for Canadians that ensures there is at least some income coming in after retirement. The Government of Canada’s largest pension program is funded from the general revenues of the government. You don’t pay directly into it, it’s not allocated to you or your family, but everyone is […]



There are plenty of adults around who would like to do something positive with their teeth and fix their smile so that it looks healthy and improves their appearance, but the cost is holding them back. One of the fears that is keeping away from their dentist and the orthodontic care they need is the […]



The proliferation of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have shaken up standard banking models. The disruptive technology could impact payment services across the globe and dramatically change the way regulations and oversight committees are currently handled. Despite Bitcoin’s volatile history, the $1.2 trillion payments industry is the battleground for a new way of thinking and managing money […]


What is Bankruptcy Exactly

Debt buying is a process that happens on a daily basis to millions of people, mostly in the US. It isn’t illegal at all, until the debt buyer makes it so. This is something that happens when a large company buys billions of dollars in debt and then sells it. You may think this is […]


Car Loan

It’s the old bait and switch.  Dealers tempt you with the sticker price of a vehicle but after all of the ‘hidden’ prices are piled on, you’re looking at an entirely new number.  It’s important to steer clear of surprises when buying a car, or at least know what you’ll have to factor in on […]


Business in Budget

Running a start-up business brings with it many challenges that can test any entrepreneur to his or her limits. When you start a business you obviously have the main aims and goals clearly in sight, but along the way you will also have to dig deep and find management skills and talents you maybe didn’t […]


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