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Millions of Americans will find themselves in debt this year. In some cases, debt is caused by a dramatic accident. This is often unavoidable. However, it can also be caused by mistakes made by the consumer over a period of time. This can be avoided very easily. By getting a grip on your personal finances, […]



Of all the different types of insurance that you can get, disability insurance is one of the most important. The thought of suffering from a disability and being unable to work is a terrifying one, especially if you have dependents or large financial commitments like debts to pay back. This can be particularly important for […]



After bitcoin’s value suffered a huge decline three years ago, it has now reached a value of more than $1,000 USD, once again. At the start of 2017, Bitcoin began to reach new heights, with the crypto currency’s value rising dramatically. On January 3rd, Bitcoin reached a value of $1,025 USD, which was a level […]


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