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We all have financial goals that keep us motivated. Perhaps you put all your focus on improving your credit score, and success seems further away than what you ever could have imagined. Then this post is all for you, my friend! Here are 5 ways that work to improve your credit score. #1 Pay your […]


Every company needs money to run. Money is the lifeblood of a business, paying for wages, premises, tools – everything from suppliers and Council Tax to publicity and distribution. In short, you need money to make money. Of course, your business exists to generate money, but not only do you need capital to get the […]


Money management doesn’t work if you simply don’t have enough. Sometimes the solution to not having enough at the end of every month and overwhelming debt is to get a new and better-paid job. With that being said, you may be at that point where you realize you aren’t earning enough and want to increase […]


Credit cards are one of the most popular means of finance and around 7 in 10 homes in the US have at least one to rely on. For the average American, it’s not unusual to have 3 to 4 different cards at any given time, and these don’t include store cards. The gloomy reputation of […]


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