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home loan

For the first time since the Great Recession, mortgage lenders are trying harder to let low- and moderate-income renters realize the American dream of homeownership. In particular, leading online lending facilitator Personal Lending Group can connect prospective borrowers with two exciting new loan programs, Fannie Mae’s HomeReady, and Freddie Mac’s Home Possible Advantage. The programs […]


4 Budget Friendly Ways to Secure Your Home

Buying your first home in Australia is not easy. Houses are expensive, sometimes as much as six times the average household income, and purchasing your first property is tough. According to figures from the ABS Survey of Income and Housing that are quoted in LifeHacker, in 2011, 640,000 people, or 21 percent of the market, […]


home loan

Our homes are our biggest investment in our lives. Buying them, decorating and furnishing them takes time, money and dedication, and we continue pouring hard-earned cash into them until the day we die. A home owner always has ideas for improvement and renovation, whether it be on a larger scale, or just rearranging some furniture […]



It’s important to begin planning and saving for future before the future arrives. If you begin saving for retirement a few years before you want to retire, there isn’t any way to save as much as you need. Whether you know exactly what you want or not, preparing for the possibilities is wise. By planning […]



You may feel like dismissing talk of retirement when you’re in your 20s and fresh into the job market. However putting this off can be a huge mistake, especially when you’re young. Millennials have the time and resources to retire wealthy, and the benefits listed below are endless. Waste Less Money The start of a […]



Nothing’s worse than having something go wrong before or during a wedding. So, here’s the top flower mistakes most people make and how to avoid them. You Don’t See The Big Picture When you choose flowers for the centerpiece, don’t forget about the view. If you’ve chosen an outdoor location, this becomes even more important. […]



The World Wide Web has opened plenty of new doors to people who want to find more information, make purchases and interact with others. All of these activities have made it possible to live more fulfilling, enriching lives. Spending money online or through electronic forms of payment such as debit and credit have been proven […]



With a number of alternatives, you don’t need to hire a travel agent.  But you don’t need a gym trainer, a tour guide, or a salesperson.  However, these agents do provide a service, and depending on the desired result, may be more of a benefit than a nuisance or added cost.  Such is a reason […]



Budgeting is always important, whether you’re on a low income or you make a lot of money at your job. But a lot of people, regardless of their income level, get tripped up and confused when it comes to establishing a budget that will work for them, as well as following through on that budget. […]



The costs of dying can reach five figures these days. You naturally want to cut down on costs as much as you can. The key to doing this is to do it early. Prepare in advance, so you know exactly what you are paying for and you won’t run into any unexpected bills. In this […]


HVAC Maintenance

Being energy smart makes sense on all levels – not only will you save considerable amounts of money on your household bills, you’ll be making an important contribution to reducing global warming and creating a greener planet for the next generation. But though most of us are familiar with the benefits, we also tend to […]


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