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Recent years have seen second charge secured loans become more readily available than ever before. Both for everyday consumers and commercial borrowers, a second charge secured loan can be both affordable and accessible when compared to a remortgage. It seems one arm of the consumer lending market is performing better than most. New figures released […]


Work schedules are a part of life just as much as pay slips are a part of work. Being a manager or Human Resources consultant will mean that work schedules are often part of your key performance areas. But, what are the considerations and benefits of a work schedule, and how can managers make the […]


Surviving on minimum wage is challenging anywhere in America — especially so if your area has a high cost of living. Full-time workers making $7.25 an hour, the national minimum wage, bring home $15,080 per year before taxes. As The Balance points out, that will leave you a housing budget of just $377 if you try […]


Becoming self-employed can be an incredibly beneficial step for your personal freedom and the ability to work around other commitments. However, self-employment can be damaging for your finances when you first make the transition from employment. To ensure that you and your family are financially secure, here is a guide to some of the most […]


Most people wish they could save a little bit more, and a lot of people might deem it near impossible due to their lifestyle and outgoings. Saving money doesn’t have to be a significant sum, however: often, it’s the small differences you can make and the tiny amounts here and there which add up to […]


There are more than 2,500 virtual currencies that investors can buy, according to a Forbes article. The sharp gains made by digital currency in recent years have produced many cryptocurrency millionaires. Still, there is a lot of loud and conflicting talk surrounding cryptocurrency.  Cryptocurrency is a new-age internet-based currency that uses encryption techniques to conduct […]


It’s no secret that having health insurance is important. You need it to make sure that your healthcare needs are fully met. Yet, insurance can also be very expensive. Believe or not, there’s more than one type of insurance. Have you ever heard of captive insurance? The basic concept is that captive insurance companies are […]


Loan sharks and unlicensed moneylenders are good talkers who can offer you a deal that you cannot easily refuse. They are persistent, and they are using innovative ways to attract unwary customers who eventually result in becoming victims. These ways include advertising through social media, emails, SMS, and many others. While they make enticing offers, […]


Money transfer services allow a person to send their money to another person. This could be in another town, another state, or around the world. Often, these services are speedy and the best is safe and secure. Some, like Western Union, have been around for a long time. Major players in the money transfer service […]


Are you a member of the so-called Sandwich Generation? Are in your 40s or 50s, have school-age children, and are also helping to take care of your aging parents? If you answered yes, then you’re in good company — about half of all Americans fit this profile. And we probably don’t have to tell you […]


Are you interested in sharing your passions with the world and getting paid for it? Or maybe you already have a business website and are looking for ways to further increase your profits? A blog could be the perfect solution. Gone are the days where blogs served as online diaries. Now, blogs are a great […]


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