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Starting a new business is an exciting time. You have so much to look forward to and so much opportunity in front of you. However, there are also several important things to consider from expenses to materials and more. With all that responsibility falling on your shoulders, it’s smart to find ways to save money […]


private jet

If you frequently travel for business then you know that it is not always a comfortable or easy process and can actually be stressful. With flights being delayed or uncomfortable you can be left feeling tired and disappointed. This is the last thing you need if you are traveling for an important business meeting. But […]



Recent research by the Global Fraud Attack Index shows that online fraud attacks rose by a massive 137% in the year ending March 2016 and fraud is now thought to affect $7 out of every $100 of global retail spend. In Europe alone, the cost of fraud rose by 8.9% in the same year, and […]


Payday Loans

Getting your own small business off the ground is one of the most exciting things in life. It is almost like watching your own child become successful; it is that satisfying. In a previous article, we talked about how you can boost your chances of getting a business loan and get your business running as […]


business data

Managing your accounts and recording all transactions – ‘doing the books’ – is an essential part in doing business; you simply can’t escape it. Not only is proper bookkeeping essential to understand the financial position of the company, it’s crucial when it comes to planning, taxation, and learning from the past. Unfortunately, not all of […]


Small business in budget

As any business seeking to apply for business lending, there are a few essential factors you’ll need to consider along with your entire business evaluation. These factors include credit, budget, how much money your business needs, and the lender behind the loan. A complete business evaluation and estimate of how your business was, is, and […]


Business in Budget

No one can guarantee for you that you will get a small business loan as hoped for. However, there are certain things that can help you increase your odds of success significantly. Judging by the fact that you are interested in how to apply for a small business loan, you are either the owner of […]


Payday Loans

Starting a new business can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. One of the trickiest aspects of it is acquiring funds to finance the business. Like most startup businesses, you will likely apply for a business loan. This can be a huge challenge as there are a lot of steps involved – applying […]



Insurance can be a confusing topic – after all, it’s all about purchasing something that you hope you will never have to use; it’s about spending money for something you hope will never happen. However, as a contractor, it’s important to understand that things can certainly go wrong (as the profession entails inherent risks), and […]



Astute and attentive entrepreneurs should always be on the lookout for opportunities to save their business money. Even if it is only a small amount, it will eventually add up. Thinking about the long-term is an important part of any entrepreneur’s calculations, and when it comes to managing the finances of a business effectively, it […]


Small business in budget

It is now common for businesses/companies of all types to conduct an audit using a firm like RSM, not least because authorities like the FCA now regulate companies who offer a financial service. Whilst the service does come at a monetary cost, it ensures the company is playing by the rules and that their finances […]


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