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Digital Influence in Debt Management

Paying off debt is a huge fiscal responsibility and studies have shown that psychological conditions like depression and neurosis are more common in people who have debt. The average U.S. household credit card debt last year was $15,279. In 2008, it was $8,329. Most of the debt comprises of mortgage payments, which stands at $149,456. This [...]



By Heaven Stubblefield With the economy being a little less than desirable it seems everyone is looking for ways to improve credit.  While it is easy to get rid of a bad pair of shoes, a bad credit score can stick with you for as long as the cycle continues.  Here are some simple tips [...]


There are a lot of card rewards put on credit cards that people may not even be aware of. If you get a frequent flyer or other rewards card you probably decided on it based on the special rewards it offered. What you may not know, is that there are special perks on a lot [...]



Source: Flickr Guest post by Jessica Swesey who is the Managing Editor of LifeTuner.org, a place to get financial tools, tips and direct access to financial experts who answer your questions online. New credit card industry laws that went into effect this week may intend to offer consumers more protection, but the unfortunate side effect [...]



Source: Flickr This is a guest post from Mr Credit Card of www.askmrcreditcard.com. Mr Credit Card is going to talk about how he uses credit cards to help in his budgeting efforts, in addition to being a convenience tool. If you are looking for a credit card, please check out his best credit cards list [...]



Source: Flickr By Mala It is a difficult time when you find yourself below the red line when it comes to your credit score.  And if you find your credit score below 650, it will be difficult to climb the credit ladder.  However,  There are ways to improve your credit score.  Some have a cost [...]



A few weeks ago my wallet of 10 years was stolen.  I remember the day I bought it with my mom at Marshall’s it was my first grown up wallet and it had a lot of sentimental value to me. Here are steps you should take right away when your wallet is stolen/lost. Cancel all [...]


credit use

The mentalities of spending have been changing over the past year based off the recession and lack of job security.  People are budgeting more and studies show that more attention is being put on savings now.  One of the areas that has seen less usage is in credit cards.  With high interest rates and credit [...]



You’re driving and you happen to pass by one of those suburbs just to avoid traffic. You see a house with a for sale sign on the lawn. You’re just dying to own a house and have been thinking a lot about leaving your apartment. You finally decide that you want to get it, so [...]


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