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Money is essentially a trade. You get money for the work you do, and you give money for the goods and services you need. Money puts a value on the work you do, as well as the work others do. However, before there was money, people just traded their goods and services themselves, putting their [...]



The guest author of this article and freelances for a blog that provides financial aid for single mothers that need help paying for college. Retirement is one fact which every individual has to understand. It doesn’t matter what you earn during your young and active days, but what really matters is how you will really [...]



Recent statistics released from the mortgage industry show that nearly 50 percent of all mortgage applications during the last year have been rejected. While this rate is very high in comparison to previous years, it is a result of the current housing and financial markets statistics. This does not mean, however, that you cannot re-apply [...]



  This guest post is presented courtesy of http://www.ovlg.com/   Since the recession and the economic depression within the US, there are many of us who are trying our level best to secure a comfortable and debt free retirement so that we can enjoy, relax and freely spend our golden years. If you have a huge [...]



Interest rates fluctuate with the changes in the economic situation of a country and that of the world overall. This can be bad as well as good news for people depending on how they choose to view the situation as. Low interest rates can lead you to take steps that can benefit you in the [...]



Replacing the old and energy consuming appliances with new ones is necessary for an environment friendly lifestyle. It is not always easy to go out and buy new appliances but it should be done whenever replacement is required. Energy consuming appliances generate greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming. In addition, they also consume more [...]


This guest post is contributed by Anthony Benedict. Anthony helps to run and maintain CreditDonkey.com – Which is a credit card comparison website, guiding business owners and personal card holders to the best options for credit cards. With the current circumstances with the economy there is no surprise that people are trying to make money [...]


BudgetPulse will be down till Wednesday November 3  at 11:59 EST for scheduled maintenance.  I apologize for the delay and feel free to reach me at [email protected] with any questions or on Twitter with our handle @budgetpulse. Thanks for your patience, BudgetPulse will be up and running shortly. Craig


BudgetPulse will be down till Saturday October 2  at 11:59 EST for scheduled maintenance.  I apologize for the inconveneience and feel free to reach me at [email protected] with any questions or on Twitter with our handle @budgetpulse. Thanks for your patience, BudgetPulse will be up and running shortly. Craig



This guest post is contributed by Lauren Bailey, who writes on the topics of online colleges. She welcomes your comments at her email Id: blauren99 @gmail.com. To budget carefully is to really think about each item on which you are spending money. As a reader of BudgetPulse, you probably are serious about allocating money for specific expenditures, cutting [...]


Couple at gym

Listed here are five frugal exercise ideas to help you save and keep fit. We live in a world where nearly everyone says they want to be fit but many lack the discipline and determination to actually do it. Part of the issue that a lot of us have is the cost that is often [...]


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