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50th Anniver

Financial planners refer to estate planning in the broad sense of investment strategies. This term is used by insurance professionals for providing product and advice associated with the use of diverse insurance policies for accumulating wealth and protecting it as well. CPAs are known to incorporate estate planning as an integral part of any effective […]



The main reason a lot of businesses fail is that they have a poor cash flow situation. While being a student is not the same as running a business, there are many ways in which the financial management of both overlap. You may start your university year with plenty of money in your pocket, but […]


50th Anniver

Retirement planning can seem daunting, but by breaking the process down into achievable steps you can get it done. Here are seven tips on preparing for retirement. 1.     Imagine Your Retirement Imagine yourself living on your own schedule, with plenty of time for exercise, the pursuit of hobbies, volunteer work, and spending time with friends. […]



Weddings can be an incredibly stressful time as you have to plan all of the tiny little details, carefully considering friends and family along the way. But one of the biggest pressures you can face as a bride or groom is the financial costs, as these can soon mount up as you start adding bits […]


Honda Jazz

The number of cars that are sold every month in this country is almost too big to grasp. It is common for it to reach nearly 20 million, with manufacturers offering interesting incentives, and lenders relaxing their acceptance criteria for new car loans in Orange County. If you are a car love yourself, therefore, now […]


What you can do to rid yourself of Zombie debt

If you have a good head for figures you may want to embark on a career in the finance world. Financial planning is one area of this field which can provide you with a good salary and interesting work to complete. In order to become a financial planner, you need to have appropriate training and […]



If you’ve ever wondered how to eat well and stay on budget while traveling for business, you are not alone. Many frequent travelers experience indigestion of both the belly and the bank account while jetting from one city to the next, attending meeting after meeting. Often, it is hard to find time for a healthy […]



Cash oils the cogs of industry. Without a ready supply of cash, you will not be able to pay your suppliers, staff or bills. In fact, a lack of cash flow is the main reason why so many small businesses go bust in the first twelve months. It is the same old story almost every […]


house on calc

Getting ready to purchase your first home is definitely an exciting time, but it can also be extremely confusing to go through the home mortgage process for the very first time. One of the biggest questions that first-time homebuyers ask is with regards to how much money they really need to have upfront in order […]


Honda Jazz

You want a new vehicle, but you’re not sure if you should buy new or used new. There are many different ways to look at the new vs used debate, but here’s what car buying experts recommend. Basic Decisions And Factors To Consider Start by gathering basic info from Motor City Auto Sales, websites that […]



An array of ailments are treated and symptoms are kept under control by medications.  However, depending on your type of medical insurance (or if you don’t have have insurance at all), medicine can be expensive.  However, cost should not keep people from feeling better and getting healthy.  If you can’t afford prices of prescriptions and […]


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